Saturday, July 2, 2011

Alexander Skarsgård “Hollywood T.V. Star of the Week”

Alexander Skarsgård,Now that "True Blood" is due for a fourth season, we reserved for Sunday night's Sookie, Sam, and Bill, Eric and the rest of the deviations on the index Tan Boon.
But he stressed that the season premiere is something we always kind of suspected, but there is a need to allow him to play before making a final decision. Norwegian Eric Alexander Skarsgård Alamufdilh we have those who watched the premiere, and I will keep the conversation free and fair, says Skarsgård spoiler has the game to make sure that he has authority over the fairy princess of Anna Paquin, it Sookie. We believe that opening the way for what could be a great season of the TV.
However, do not contain the small screen. Skarsgård has a number of big screen projects in the works, including the delay in a new edition of "Straw Dogs", which recently published a trailer:


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